If you wish to cancel an order, please contact us using the chat tab at the bottom of the page for a fast response! Order cancellations must be done as soon as possible before we can process and pa...
What do customers think about DubCharge?
We try our hardest to keep our clients satisfied. Although we are aware that we will never be perfect, trying our hardest to get there is what drives us forward. There is nothing more persuasive th...
What stores can I buy a DubCharge from?
On our website, visit the Locations tab at the top of the page which will lead you to a map with all the stores across the country that have DubCharge in their inventory! The list of stores continu...
How does the rewards system work?
At the bottom left of our website you will see a rewards option. You will be able to create an account with DubCharge and keep track of your rewards with every purchase you make! Signing up, placin...
Why isn't the discount code working?
This is mainly because of small errors made when typing in your code. Please make sure there aren’t any extra spaces before or after the code. As well as make sure no letters or numbers are missing...